Edmond Tso
About Edmond Tso
After graduating, I joined Hyatt’s corporate Management Trainee Program in June 2008 at the Hyatt Regency Santa Clara, CA. In February 2009 I left Hyatt Regency Santa Clara for Hyatt’s Corporate Office to join the implementation of North America’s back office accounting system. While on the team I was responsible for 18 North America implementations in multiple cities including: San Diego, Bellevue, Chicago, New York, Curacao, Washington DC, Wichita, Lost Pines, and more.
In September 2010, I joind the Grand Hyatt Washington as the Assistant controller. In 2011, I was selected to join Hyatt’s North America Diversity and Inclusion Council. My advice for current students in the HTM Program is to be flexible with your career. There are multiple paths that you can take to reach your goals of becoming Directors. General Managers, or whatever you dream of becoming. Also, keep connections with previous and current co-workers and industry leaders. The hospitality industry is very small and every one really does know someone who knows you! You never know when that person will be able to help you further your career or get you to that next step.
My fondest memories of my times as an HTM student are the friendships I built with other students of the program and the annual trips to the Hotel Show in NYC. I still keep in contact with those friends and we still try to meet up at the annual Hotel Show in NYC.